Years of Experience Helping Patients Restore Their Smiles
Why Can’t I Have Just a Filling?
This video outlines why crowns are more effective than fillings.
How We Treat Dental Infections
In this vlog, Dr. Nawrocki talks about the different dental infections treatments available. When it comes to treating dental infections, dentist have several effective methods at their disposal.
Why We Do What We Do!
We often have people us why we do what we do. In this short clip, our team members take the time to highlight what drives us to do what we do.
Dental Implant Maintenance
This video outlines the hygiene protocols for healthily maintaining dental implants.
3 Facts About People Missing Teeth
This video outlines three interesting facts about people who are missing teeth compared to those who are not.
Implants And Quality of Life (Part 1)
In today's vlog, we're going to be talking about dental implants and quality of life.
Why Are Dental Implants So Expensive?
In today's vlog, we will be covering the question, "why are dental implants so expensive?"
Can an ER Help Me with My Dental Pain?
This video describes the role of an ER in treating a dental emergency such as dental pain.
Going to an ER vs. Going to an Actual Dentist…
In this vlog, we will cover what an ER can do for you during a dental emergency.
Can Emergency Dentists Prescribe?
In today’s vlog, we will answer the question: “Can emergency dentists prescribe?”
John Gets His Teeth Knocked Out…
This vlog will cover an interesting case of a traumatic injury for a young man named John.
What Hurts More? Implants or Extractions?
This is a patient's testimonial about the level of discomfort between implant insertion and a tooth extraction.
Two Implants versus Four Implants
Have you seen ourTwo Implants versus Four Implants YouTube video? This video covers a patient's testimonial about her treatment.
Cosmetic Dental Transformation
Check out our YouTube video that goes over a patient's testimonial about his reasons to perform cosmetic dental treatment.
If you Have a Cracked Tooth in Your Mouth….
Check out our latest YouTube video that goes over what cracked teeth look like in the mouth and on X-ray
Wisdom Teeth Removal with PRF
Check out our YouTube video that outlines the benefits of using platelet rich fibrin (PRF) with wisdom teeth removal.
4 Implants Supported “Snap-On” Denture
Check out this update from one of our implant-supported "snap-on" denture patients! Alberta visited Dental Arts for dental implants to support her full denture.
Saving a Failing Implant with PRF
Check out our latest YouTube video, discussing how to save failing implants. Sometimes when we extract the teeth and implant, whether immediately or delayed, we face an unpredictable bodily complication due to the body's reaction that causes people to start losing bone in the area around the implant.
Rejection to Dentistry
Check out our vlog that discusses rejection in dentistry and why the body might reject dental implants.
Breaking the Alzheimer’s: Alzheimer’s and Dentistry
Check out our vlog that discusses the correlation between Alzheimer's and dentistry.
Turning a Conventional Denture Into a “Snap On” Denture
Check out our vlog that goes over the process of converting a complete conventional denture into an Overdenture or " Snap On" Denture.
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Dental Arts (619) 444-1001
(619) 444-1001