3 Facts About People Missing Teeth

//3 Facts About People Missing Teeth

This video outlines three facts about people missing teeth in comparison to those who are not missing any teeth. 

Here are three interesting facts about people who are missing teeth compared to those who are not.

Fact #1: People with missing teeth have a much higher chance of dementia and cognitive decline. 

Adults with more tooth loss have a higher risk of developing cognitive impairment and of being diagnosed with dementia, according to a study conducted by New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing. However, the risk is insignificant among older adults with dentures, suggesting that treatment for missing teeth may protect against cognitive decline.

Fact #2: People with missing teeth have a much lower quality of life. 

When you are missing teeth, you cannot process or digest food properly, so your digestion suffers. Poor digestion leads to toxins in the brain and all through the body, which can contribute to conditions like metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and heart attacks.

Fact #3: On average, people with missing teeth live 15 years shorter than those will all their teeth. 

When you rely more on your remaining teeth because you have missing teeth, you increase the chance that they will wear out prematurely. Missing teeth can also lead to other conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis, which can severely limit life expectancy. Replacing missing teeth is one of the easiest and best things you can do!

If you have any missing teeth and would like treatment to replace them, contact our Dental Arts San Diego team! You can reach us at (619) 943-3189 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA, 92020.

2023-06-28T15:37:41-07:00Dental Vlog|