How to Pick a Dentist

//How to Pick a Dentist

Having trouble deciphering what dentist office to go to for your dental needs? In this video, some of our dental patients share their experience at Dental Arts San Diego.

Mr. Fred

Do you deal with anxiety, especially when it comes to dentist visits? The same goes with Mr. Fred. He has an anxiety disorder that makes simple things like dentist office visits nerve-wrecking. For a while, he put off going to the dentist but as his dental health began to decline and his smile began to affect his confidence, he decided it was time. Mr. Fred started shopping around for a new dentist, keeping an eye out particularly for one that would be sensitive to his anxiety. After talking with a friend, Mr. Fred was directed towards Dental Arts. At Dental Arts, we are mindful of our patient’s comfortability levels, making sure to create a welcoming and safe space where you can receive quality dental work with no worries.

Ms. Erica

For Ms. Erica, she likes to keep surprises at a minimum. One of her criteria for finding a good dentist is finding one that communicates effectively and in a straightforward manner. Erica likes being kept in the loop throughout her treatments, she likes knowing what’s happening and why.  Another must on her list is cleanliness. After all, they’re dealing with her teeth. The cleanliness of the place from the facility itself to the tools used say a lot about the establishment. At Dental Arts we pride ourselves from our communication and cleanliness, we welcome all patients and are committed to offering a top-tier dental office in San Diego.

Ready to get some dental work done? Dental Arts is the place to be. We offer quality dental work in San Diego. Our team of dental professionals are here to ease you in and provide you with the services you need with honesty and care. Schedule an appointment today by calling us at (619) 762-4430 or clicking here. We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA, 92020.

2023-09-07T08:44:06-07:00Dental Vlog|