Dental Implant Maintenance

//Dental Implant Maintenance

This video outlines the hygiene protocols for healthily maintaining dental implants. 

Are you considering dental implants, or do you already have them? Maintaining your dental implants is very similar to caring for your natural teeth; regular and effective oral hygiene practices. Here is the essential maintenance and care required to ensure the longevity of your dental implants.

1. Brush Your Teeth 

Brush your teeth and implants at least twice daily using a soft bristle toothbrush. Gently clean all surfaces, including the gums, implants, and surrounding teeth.

2. Floss

Use a floss threader or specialized implant floss to clean between the implants and the adjacent teeth daily. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles that can lead to infection or inflammation.

3. interdental Brushes 

Consider using interdental brushes, or water flossers, to access hard-to-reach areas, particularly around the implant post. These tools can help prevent bacterial buildup.

4. Regular Professional Dental Care

In addition to your daily routine, regular professional care is crucial for maintaining your dental implants.

Happy, healthy patients are our ultimate goal at Dental Arts San Diego! Nothing is better than giving someone a beautiful, radiant smile. To learn more about dental implants and the implant services we provide, call us at (619) 762-4430 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA, 92020.

2023-06-28T15:35:57-07:00Dental Vlog|