How We Treat Dental Infections

//How We Treat Dental Infections

This video outlines the different methods for treating dental infections.

In this vlog, Dr. Nawrocki talks about dental infection treatments available. When it comes to treating dental infections, dentist have several effective methods at their disposal. The type of treatment recommended will ultimately depend on the severity of the dental infection, the cause of the infection, and the overall health of the patient. Some common solutions include, antibiotics, drainage, root canal, extraction, scaling and root planing, and oral hygiene education. The primary goal with each of these treatments is to remove the infection and help our patients keep them at bay. Once we have done that, our next goal is to restore the once infected site and bring vitality and beautify back to it. In severe cases, dental implants, fixed bridges, and crowns may be necessary.

Feel free to watch the video thoroughly and reach out with any questions. Whether you need a routine check-up or are dealing with an infection yourself, our team can provide you with the assistance you seek. Schedule an appointment today by calling us at (619) 762-4430 or clicking here. We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA, 92020.

2023-06-29T09:46:00-07:00Dental Vlog|