All-on-4 Zirconia Arches at Dental Arts San Diego

/, Dental Blog/All-on-4 Zirconia Arches at Dental Arts San Diego

All-on-4 Zirconia Arches

At Dental Arts San Diego, we understand the challenges of missing multiple teeth, which can impact both your appearance and daily functions like speaking and eating. Fortunately, advancements in dentistry offer various solutions, including the innovative all-on-4 zirconia arches for those needing a full arch restoration.

What Are All-on-4 Arches?

All-on-4 zirconia arches are a comprehensive solution for restoring a full arch of teeth, using durable zirconia porcelain that mimics the look and feel of natural teeth. This technique involves permanently fixing the arch to the jaw with four dental implants, offering a long-lasting and aesthetic solution.

Why Choose All-on-4 for Teeth Restoration?

Choosing all-on-4 zirconia arches provides a permanent alternative to dentures, offering a more stable and comfortable fit. Unlike dentures, which can lead to jaw bone deterioration, all-on-4 supports jaw health with less maintenance than individual implants, requiring fewer appointments and surgeries. This method not only saves time but is also cost-effective compared to full dental implants or dentures.

Benefits of All-on-4 Zirconia Arches

All-on-4 zirconia arches are ideal for patients with metal allergies, as they are made from non-metal, hypoallergenic materials. Their strength and compatibility make them a superior choice for full mouth restoration.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Don’t let missing teeth hold you back. Consult with Dental Arts San Diego to explore how all-on-4 zirconia arches can restore not only your smile but also your quality of life. Contact Dental Arts San Diego at (619) 762-4430 to begin your journey towards improved oral health and a brighter future.

2024-04-18T10:16:41-07:00blog, Dental Blog|