Complete Dentures

//Complete Dentures
Complete Dentures2021-07-26T15:44:23-07:00

Project Description

The patient in the picture had a long history of compulsive dental treatment. Compulsive dental treatment is received or administered in a very sporadic fashion, such as directed by pain, emergency, or an upcoming event. This causes the patient to desire immediate results regarding dental procedures. Working like this cannot guarantee that the treatment will not fail. The replacement cycle becomes really short, and as you can see in the picture, the patient had multiple failing dental restorations. This previous work led to serious dental issues. This patient decided to search for a permanent solution to his smile, so we presented different treatments such as:

  • Dental Implants
  • Gum Treatments
  • Complete Dentures

Complete dentures have a modality of all-on-four dentures. The difference between complete conventional dentures and all-on-four modality is the presence of four extra implants. This patient made the choice to follow the route of regular conventional dentures with multiple extractions. This meant that all his teeth had to go. We extracted 28 teeth from his mouth and immediately delivered the complete dentures. We also performed prior prosthetic surgery for him to prepare his palette to receive the complete dentures.

The end result of this procedure is a new set of teeth that provide an almost equivalent lifestyle to that of natural teeth! The patient was really pleased with how the procedure went and the look of his smile. At Dental Arts San Diego, we have years of experience helping patients restore their smiles with dental implants. If you’re missing a couple or all of your teeth, we have several options available to help restore them! Give us a call at (619) 444-1001, or click here to book an appointment today! We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020.

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