How To Prevent Dental Disease
So What to Eat and What Not to?
Everyone knows that a balanced, nutritious diet is essential to healthy living. However, did you know beyond the recommended apples and celery that your food choices play an important role in preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
For our teeth to stay robust and happy we need to consume Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and C. The first two will make a scaffold or a framework for the tooth substance, the other three are acting as a transport system for the first two to go through the blood supply and reach the destination- our teeth and bones.Things to eat: yogurt, cheese, kale, spinach, fermented food such as kimchi for Vitamin C, and dark chocolate for Magnesium……Yum!( The last one).
Iron and zinc are extremely instrumental in keeping our gums healthy. With the lack of these, we can develop loss of taste and smell, tongue inflammation, mouth sores, xerostomia (lack of saliva), candidiasis (mouth thrash), angular cheilitis (painful crack in the corners of the mouth). So………., to heal sores in the mouth eat Oysters (huge in Zinc content), liver and red meat (not an easy thing for vegetarians though). Spices are good for oral health too, such as antimicrobial oregano oil, peppermint oil and anti-inflammatory turmeric.
Brilliant Strong Teeth
We all desire to stay young, vibrant and healthy as we tie this qualities with a quality of life or extension of such. We want to enjoy whatever is given to us by nature to the highest degree. The nature, however, is a finicky item as it likes the attention as much as we humans do. If we give our nature a proper attention it will reward us with the lack of pain, no inflammation, no sores, with brilliant strong teeth that will chew any kind of food we enjoy, improve our mood and digestion and give us the potential to achieve our higher purpose in life.
Brilliant Strong Teeth
We all desire to stay young, vibrant and healthy as we tie this qualities with a quality of life or extension of such. We want to enjoy whatever is given to us by nature to the highest degree. The nature, however, is a finicky item as it likes the attention as much as we humans do. If we give our nature a proper attention it will reward us with the lack of pain, no inflammation, no sores, with brilliant strong teeth that will chew any kind of food we enjoy, improve our mood and digestion and give us the potential to achieve our higher purpose in life.

The goal of proper nutrition is not purely gastronomic joy, but also obtaining proper minerals and nutrients to serve as building blocks for our dying and renovating tissues, healing gums from gum disease, fending off viruses and bacteria, supporting our immunity (which starts in the mouth by the way), making our teeth strong and immune to cavities. The goal is also to balance out (with the help of food we intake) our electrolytes composition to initiate proper digestion and facilitate the passage of food down the pipe.
It is a great idea to eliminate all foods for which a certain person has an individual intolerance or sensitivity. For example, somebody with Celiac disease or Crohn’s disease or IBS will be intolerant to gluten and while consuming it, will show signs of the intestinal problems in the mouth, such as prolonged recurrent cold sores, atrophic cheilitis (glossy itchy tongue), deep enamel horizontal grooves and vertical pits and Lichen Planus. So, it is always a good idea to test for food sensitivities either via genetic testing for a carrier status (for those who did not acquire an active disease yet) or via salivary testing for a presence of DNA material of specific bacteria linked to IBS, Crohn’s and Celiac disease.