Hints For Coping With Your Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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Anything that disturbs your sleep may be considered a nightmare, however, sleep apnea is possibly the worst. You do, thankfully, have many options available to you in order to minimize your symptoms and maximize the quality of the sleep you get. Read the tips provided below in order to achieve an excellent night of sleep.

Get a mouth guard to help you sleep at night. Mouth guards help you breathe more throughout the night, which will reduce sleep apnea symptoms from arising. Consult with a doctor or get a mouth guard made if you are suffering.

Do you light up or knock some back every day? Take steps to eliminate these unhealthy habits. Both have a negative influence on your air passages. Smoking swells up your airways, while drinking depresses your nervous system and muscles into excess relaxation. This can both cause and exacerbate sleep apnea. If you cannot get rid of these habits for good, make an effort to avoid smoking or drinking before you go to bed.

Sleep Apnea

If sleep apnea is an issue for you, and you are a smoker or drinker of alcohol, consider quitting to help with your symptoms. Both of these habits are bad for the muscles in your air passage and can worsen apnea. If you avoid these things, it may help your sleep apnea.

Lose a few pounds if you happen to be overweight and suffer from sleep apnea. Studies have found a correlation between sleep apnea and obesity. So, you can actually find substantial relief from your symptoms just from shedding even twenty or thirty pounds.

If you have a prescription for sleep apnea and you are prescribed a CPAP, you should at least use it four hours every night. Some individuals have a lot of trouble getting used to CPAP masks in their sleep. However, you must use your CPAP a minimum of four hours for it to be effective. Try two hours at first if you must. The next week you should increase that amount to 4 hours. In the end, you should never use it less than 4 hours per night on a permanent basis.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea afflicts children too. Children who breathe through their mouth rather than their nose can suffer from sleep apnea. Other symptoms can include hyperactivity, poor grades, irritability or hostility. Oftentimes these symptoms cab be associated with ADHD, but first you should consult with your doctor to see if the problem is sleep apnea.

Sleep on your side, as it can help lessen your sleep apnea symptoms. When lying on your back, your throat and nasal passages can obstruct your airways. Make a point of falling to sleep on your side and see if that doesn’t alleviate some of your sleep apnea symptoms tonight.

It’s best to lay on your side to sleep when you have sleep apnea. Sleeping on your back is attributed to a lot of people who suffer with sleep apnea. If you sleep flat on your back you are only exasperating your breathing problem by allowing your throat muscles to relax and move down. Making an effort to stay off your back will help to give you a better night of sleep. If you tend to lay on your back while sleeping, prop yourself on your side using pillows.

During times that are busy and stressful, everyone needs plenty of energy to get through their days. You shouldn’t bow down to sleep apnea or let it get in your way. These tips can definitely help you.

2018-07-08T20:53:27-07:00blog, Dental Blog|