A Guide to Eating After a Tooth Extraction

//A Guide to Eating After a Tooth Extraction

There are many reasons why people get a tooth extraction. Whether it be overcrowded teeth or severe tooth decay, tooth extractions can resolve many dental problems. Whatever the reason for undergoing this procedure, it’s important to follow the proper care instructions to avoid any complications and promote quick healing. A top concern people have after getting a tooth removed is what and when they can eat. We created a guide to eating after a tooth extraction so that you can get ideas of what you could (and should) eat after this dental procedure.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is a procedure where a tooth is removed with minimal damage to the surrounding tissues. This dental process ensures that the socket will heal without any post-procedure complication. The top reasons for tooth extractions include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Impacted teeth
  • Broken teeth

Tooth Extraction

Eating After a Tooth Extraction

Right after getting a tooth extraction, your primary focus for the next few days is to allow blood clots to form on the site of extraction. You will most likely experience low bleeding within the first 24 hours. Depending on the intrusiveness of the extraction, you may be allowed to start on liquid foods within a few hours of the procedure. You should completely avoid using a straw as the suction can dislodge blood clots, leading to bleeding, pain, and a longer healing time. For the same reasons, you should avoid rinsing, gurgling, swishing, and spitting. On day 3, you can now perform saline rinses to kill any bacteria in the mouth that can cause an infection.

What Foods Can I Eat After a Tooth Extraction?

After getting a tooth extraction, you want to make sure you remain nourished, even with your limited diet options. Foods that you can eat after a tooth extraction include the following:


During the first few days after getting your surgery, soup should be at the top of your list! It’s not just soft and easy to eat, but it is nutritious. Pureed vegetable soup is healthy and easy on the mouth since it doesn’t require chewing large vegetables or meat. Soup has potassium, fiber, and vitamin A, perfect for keeping you nourished. If you want the taste of beef or chicken, you can strain the meat and big pieces to have the broth instead. Just be careful not to eat the soup hot; have it lukewarm or cold as it can hurt the extraction site.


Applesauce is made with very few ingredients—mostly apples! It’s soft and is the optimal temperature for people recovering from tooth surgery. It helps with your digestive system, which is perfect since your diet may be off for the next couple of days. It has vitamin C, K, and potassium and is the ideal healthy snack for when you’re craving something sweet.


Yogurt is a nice, light snack with vitamin B and D. It has probiotics that are good for your digestive and immune systems. Just be sure that it’s plain and does not contain pieces of granola or fruit in it.

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a great vegetable to include in your diet. You can actually get a lot of nutrients and energy from just a few bites of mashed potatoes. This is just what you need if you’re struggling to eat enough after your surgery. Remember to have it lukewarm or cold.

Mashed Potatoes

Ice Cream

While ice cream may seem like a treat, it’s actually one of the most recommended foods to take after a dental procedure. It’s soft and cold, which can help bring down the swelling of the extracted site.

What Not to Eat

There are certain foods you should completely avoid after an extraction. These foods include:

  • Spicy food
  • Chewy food
  • Meat
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Crunchy foods

Now that you know what you should and shouldn’t eat, you should create your grocery list and prepare for after surgery. We hope this guide to eating after a tooth extraction helps! Remember to ask your dentist for specific instructions since each dental procedure is unique to every person. If you have any questions or would like to schedule your appointment with us, please call (619) 444-1001, or click here. We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020.

2021-08-25T15:42:06-07:00Dental Blog|