5 Simple Steps to Restoring your Smile at Dental Arts San Diego

//5 Simple Steps to Restoring your Smile at Dental Arts San Diego

At Dental Arts San Diego, Dr. Nawricki is an experienced restorative dentist in El Cajon, San Diego. With years of experience in the field and hundreds of satisfied patients, she can help you restore your smile if you are in or near El Cajon, La Mesa, Santee, or elsewhere in San Diego. Whether you have a single damaged tooth or multiple missing teeth, we can help restore your oral health and give you a bright, brand-new smile. How Can We Restore Your Smile? In just five simple steps:

1. Come In For A Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Nawricki will make you feel comfortable in our office and get to know you and your dental health needs. She’ll ask you questions about your oral health, examine your mouth, take x-rays and images of your teeth, and discuss your treatment expectations and your budget. This process allows Dr. Nawricki to develop a comprehensive understanding of your oral health and which restorative treatments may be right for you.

2. Create A Personalized Treatment Plan

With your input, Dr. Nawricki will design a custom treatment plan to restore your smile, the natural functionality of your teeth, and your self-esteem by replacing or repairing your damaged teeth. Your restorative options may include:

  • FillingsDental fillings are ideal for repairing teeth with minor tooth decay.
  • CrownsCrowns can be used to repair teeth that are cracked, damaged, or have suffered from significant tooth decay.
  • Dental implantsDental implants use a two-part restoration to permanently replace your missing tooth with an artificial root and a false tooth.
  • Root canal therapyRoot canals are used to remove damaged tooth material from an infected tooth and protect the remaining enamel and tooth structure.

Depending on your situation and the extent of the damage to your teeth, some other treatments like dental bridges, full or partial dentures, veneers, dental bonding, or inlays/onlays may also be recommended.

3. Get The Treatment You Need To Restore Your Missing Or Damaged Teeth

No matter which restorative options are right for your smile and your budget, we will do our best to provide you with comfortable and convenient care. We can also provide you with sedation dentistry and anything else that you may need to remain comfortable while undergoing oral surgery and other treatments.

4. Heal And Recover From Your Procedures

Most restorative procedures take only a few days, at most, for recovery, though dental implants have an additional healing time of 3-6 months. Dr. Nawricki will walk you through the healing and recovery process and ensure that you know how to care for your new smile so that you can recover as quickly as possible. Any post-operative care or follow-up appointments will be made right away.`

5. Take Care Of Your New Teeth (And Enjoy Smiling Again!)

Once you’ve recovered from your procedures, it’s time to enjoy your new smile! Make sure to schedule regular six-month oral exams and teeth cleaning appointments at Dental Arts San Diego so that Dr. Nawricki can examine your restorations and ensure that your mouth is still healthy.

Contact Us Today – Take The First Step Towards Restoring Your Smile!

If you’re interested in restoring your smile at Dental Arts San Diego, contact us today. Dr. Nawricki is always taking new patients, and we’d love to have the opportunity to discuss which restorative procedures may be right for you. Take a look at our patient reviews to learn more about what we do! If you’re ready to get started or have more questions, call us at (619) 444-1001, or click here to schedule an appointment. We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020.

Check out our Full Mouth Restoration: Fixed Bridge And Complete Upper Denture video below:

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