Common Signs You Need to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed

//Common Signs You Need to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed

Why do we have wisdom teeth? Many scholars believe it’s an evolutionary attribute from eating raw meats, roots, and vegetables. These third sets of molars grow in most people within the ages of 17 and 21. By the time wisdom teeth form, the other permanent teeth have already established their position in the mouth—often leaving little to no room for any more teeth. This can cause the teeth to become impacted, causing many dental problems down the road. That’s why it’s imperative that you take care of the issue as soon as possible. This blog will go over the top common signs that you need to get your wisdom teeth removed.

Not every patient experiences pain because of their wisdom teeth. Many times a dentist will recommend removing them based on x-rays signaling overcrowding or other dental problems. However, there are many obvious signs that indicate that it’s time to get your wisdom teeth removed. Read below to see the common causes for wisdom teeth removal:

Impacted Teeth

In many cases, wisdom teeth are “impacted” and do not have the space to emerge from the gums normally. This could cause the wisdom tooth to erupt push on other teeth, causing them to shift and move over. Some wisdom teeth erupt in bizarre directions, sometimes pushing directly on the other teeth. This can be painful and cause the teeth to get crooked and sometimes even damaged. There are multiple theories of why wisdom teeth tend to grow out crooked and sideways. It is known that our jaws are not large enough to accommodate a 3rd molar, which then bumps against the others causing it to grow sideways. This is an obvious sign you need to get your wisdom teeth removed. The longer you wait, the more likely you face dental problems such as pain, crooked teeth, and dental damage.

wisdom tooth impacting teeth (Common Signs You Need to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed)

Incorrect Growth

Wisdom teeth tend to take up too much space in the mouth. These teeth cannot simply be straightened with braces. When the mouth is overcrowded, no procedure can make the teeth fit all together; the only option is to get them all removed. Depending on your situation, your dentist may recommend removing all of your wisdom teeth, or only a few. If your teeth are being affected by your wisdom teeth, then it’s a sign that you get them removed.

Pain and Sensitivity in the Back of Your Mouth

Whether it’s bruising, eating, or doing nothing at all. If you experience pain, sensitivity, or a slight throbbing sensation, you should schedule an appointment to get them evaluated. The sooner you check in with your dentist, the better. If not treated, wisdom teeth’ initial pain can progress to severe pain and ultimately to an infection. Don’t let it get to the point. Wisdom teeth or not, you need to get treated for any type of pain or sensitivity you get in your mouth.

Inflammation Around the Gums

When wisdom teeth start to emerge, they can create a flap of gum tissue that traps food particles and bacteria. When the tissue becomes inflamed and irritated, it can appear as slightly swollen, reddish areas along the gum line that become sore when touched. It can make it difficult and painful to brush properly. This is known as pericoronitis and can occur while your wisdom teeth are still underneath your gums. It’s one of the most common reasons why patients seek care for wisdom teeth.

Inflammation Around the Gums

Bad Taste in Mouth / Bad Breath

The delicate gums around the misaligned or impacted wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean. This result is food getting trapped and bacterial plaque accumulation, thus leading to an infection. The resulting wound-infecting bacteria releases sulfur compounds, which is what causes bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth. If you’re experiencing this issue, then it’s a sign that you need to get your wisdom teeth removed.

Wisdom teeth removals are one of the most common dental procedures. For your well-being, we encourage that you get your wisdom teeth immediately evaluated if you’re experiencing the symptoms mentioned above. Even if you’re not experiencing any symptoms, it’s a good idea to get them evaluated to see if you will need any wisdom teeth procedures ahead of time. We hope this blog helped you see the common signs that indicate that you need to get your wisdom teeth removed. At Dental Arts, we’re here for all of your wisdom teeth needs. If you’re experiencing issues with your wisdom teeth, give us a call at (619) 444-1001 or click here to book an appointment today! We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020.

2021-04-29T15:09:43-07:00Dental Blog|